
Jen is a freelance editor, who specialises in the international development, humanitarian and health sectors. Her clients range from small local charities to global not-for-profits.

She has been working with Development Initiatives on a report for the Global Humanitarian Assistance project. The project tracks global funding trends to humanitarian crises.

The Photoshoot

Jen invited me to her home office when she was proofing the annual flagship report on humanitarian funding trends in 2016 for the UN. She said she enjoys the puzzle of editing and proofing, losing herself in finding the small mistakes or discrepancies. She likes that success in her work means that it becomes invisible; she is supporting the projects from behind the scenes.

I found Jen’s calm control of her work reassuring. The light in her office was great and it created a softness to the images that I felt complemented her style of work.


mins in flow